What is Ethical hacking in details?

Vivek Mahato

Ethical hacking is the type of hacking in which the owner of targeted system has allowed the hacker to access or hack the computer system, applications or data. In this type of hacking the hacker has full authority to hack or access the targeted software. Most of owner rent the hacker to hack their software to know how strong their software is.

In this article, we learn about ethical hacking in detail and all the features about it. You will be full of confident about this topic.

Ethical hacker should have a certificate (CEH) from EC-council and they have to done the ethical training course before hacking any kind of software.

Why we need Ethical hacking?

There is huge importance of ethical hacking in digital world. Ethical hacking is used to enter in the system of tourists, black hat hackers and wanted criminals. Ethical hacking helps the owner to know the problems of software.

By doing ethical hacking people can easily about the faults which is in the program. These hacking techniques help to find viruses, worms…Etc. ethical hacking is safe and useful. It helps the people to protect or prevent from bad hacker. It also recovers the accounts from hackers.

Types of Hackers

White hat hackers

White hat hackers are also known as those who hack software with the permission of the owner of the targeted software. These hackers are appointed to check the security of software, and they are not dangerous for us.

Black-hat hacker

Black hat hackers are the opposite of white-hat hackers. A black-hat hacker is one of those types of hackers who doesn’t have permission to get access to the software. They crack, hack, or do many illegal things. They destroy, slow down, or steal all the data from the computer or software. They are dangerous for us.

Grey-hat Hacker

Grey-hat hackers are a special type of hacker. They get access to the software or computer without permission, see the problems with that software, and report the owners to solve those problems. Sometimes grey hat hackers didn’t follow ethics and did as black hat hackers.

Types of Ethical hacking

  1. Web application hacking:– The process of hacking and taking advantage of a program that is built in Chrome Browser or elements that are not stored in the URL.
  2. System hacking:– Is the process by which hackers hack or get access to the system, copying all the data.
  3. WiFi hacking:– Many owners rent the white hat hacker to check that the wife is safe or not.
  4. Mobile hacking:– Many companies appoint the hacker to check that their mobile has strong security or not.
  5. Cloud computing security:– Cloud computing is like a storehouse. So, hackers try to hack cloud computing to check if it is safe or not.

Advantages of Ethical hacking

  • The owner checks whether their software is secured or not.
  • The ethical hacker hacks the software with the authority of the software owner.
  • It shows the security of any software.
  • It helps to prevent black hat hackers.
  • It helps to know the problem of software.
  • It is used for network security.
  • Testing the validity of protocols.
  • It helps to test the strength of the password.

Roles and Responsibilities of ethical hacker

  • Measuring the network’s level of security
  • The hacker should get permission to hack the software.
  • Give a presentation of everything.
  • finding a way to solve the problem of software that is not working well.
  • Check the organization’s system, applications, webs, and more.

Phases of Ethical hacker

  1. Scaning: First, they have to scan the software to find out whether someone hacked it or not.
  2. Fixing the problems: when the hacker finds that someone has hacked or the software is unsafe, then the hacker should fix that problem.
  3. Giving the result: if the hacker solves that problem or is protected from other hackers. They have to give the proper result to the owner.
  4. Protect the software: after giving the result, the hacker has to create a strong firewall to prevent a bad hacker. They have to protect the software from viruses, worms, and bad files.

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What is Ethical hacking?

Ethical hacking is the type of hacking in which the owner of targeted system has allowed the hacker to access or hack the computer system, applications or data. In this type of hacking the hacker has full authority to hack or access the targeted software.

Define White hat hackers?

white hat hackers are also known as ethical hacker which hack the software with the permission of owner of targeted software

Define Grey hat hackers?

Grey hat hackers are the combination of white hat hackers and black hat hackers. They get access in the software or computer without permission for knowledge and see the problems of that software and report the owners to solve those problems.


Ethical hacking is safe for everyone. Ethical hacking is done under the supervision of founder or owner of software. Ethical hacking is very important for the companies because companies check their software is safe or not. The hacker who done ethical hacking are called as ethical hacker. These hacking techniques are used to enter in terrorists’ system, criminals, or non ethical hackers. By doing ethical hacking people can easily about the faults which is in the program. These hacking techniques help to find viruses, worms…Etc.

As we know that there are huge advantages of ethical. Ethical hacking also saves the privacy of networks. These type of hackers help to find the bad hackers which are involved or had hacked the software or not. There are many roles of ethical hacking. Good hackers give the reports about the software to the owner of software. They give a positive result to the software owners.

They also help people or government to find the location of big criminals and terriosts.so, in my view of point the ethical hacking is very important for us. It saves us from bad hackers, viruses, worms and wrong files’ hope you like this post and we promise that these posts is talking about right things.

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